A callback that gives you the camera position and focal point.
To use the snippet, click the Copy to clipboard at the upper right of the code blocks.
def camera_modified_callback(caller, event):
Used to estimate positions similar to the book illustrations.
:param caller:
:param event:
flt_fmt = '0.6g'
# print(caller.class_name, "modified")
# Print the interesting stuff.
res = list()
res.append(f'camera = ren.active_camera')
res.append(f'camera.position = ({fmt_floats(caller.position)})')
res.append(f'camera.focal_point = ({fmt_floats(caller.focal_point)})')
res.append(f'camera.view_up = ({fmt_floats(caller.view_up)})')
res.append(f'camera.distance = {caller.distance:{flt_fmt}}')
res.append(f'camera.clipping_range = ({fmt_floats(caller.clipping_range)})')
indent = ' ' * 4
lf_indent = f'\n{indent}'
s = f'{indent}' + '|'.join(res) + '\n'
print(s.replace('|', lf_indent))
def fmt_floats(v, w=0, d=6, pt='g'):
Pretty print a list or tuple of floats.
:param v: The list or tuple of floats.
:param w: Total width of the field.
:param d: The number of decimal places.
:param pt: The presentation type, 'f', 'g' or 'e'.
:return: A string.
pt = pt.lower()
if pt not in ['f', 'g', 'e']:
pt = 'f'
return ', '.join([f'{element:{w}.{d}{pt}}' for element in v])
ren.active_camera.AddObserver('ModifiedEvent', camera_modified_callback)
Once you have the output, replace the ren.active_camera.AddObserver(...)
line with the output data.